Oolong tea, also known as black dragon tea, originates from China and Taiwan. It is an intermediate oxidized tea made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The oxidation level of tea ranges from 8% to 80%, depending on the production style and the tea master. It is available in various styles, such as rolled and twisted or curled into tight balls or thin strands, which differ in appearance, color, and aroma. It is produced mostly in Asian country like Nepal also.The origin of Oolong tea is claimed in China and Taiwan. In China, it is named as “black dragon tea”. Simply tea is an intermediate oxidized tea processed from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Normally, it is oxidized more than green tea and less than black tea, ranging from 8% to 80% depending on the production style and the tea master. It is formed in different styles such as rolled and twisted or curled into tight balls or thin strands, varying according to processing methods based on appearance, color, and aroma. It is also found in Nepal.The tea produced in Taiwan is greener in color and lighter in flavor than Chinese one because Taiwanese product is less oxidized, typically only 10-40%. It has less caffeine than Chinese. Normally, one cup of oolong tea provides 38.4 mg of caffeine.

4 great advantages of Oolong Tea
It is particularly important for patients with high blood pressure, heart problems, high cholesterol, cancer, depression, heavy body weight, and so on.Low Cancer Risk:
It has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which protect against mouth cancer, specifically Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It also helps to control ovarian cancer and Nasopharyngeal cancer. Drinking two cups of tea can lower the risk of ovarian cancer.Eczema:
Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry and itchy patches of skin. It’s a common condition that isn’t contagious. Tea helps to treat persistent eczema. Consuming 10 grams of oolong tea per day helps to treat the skin disease.Sleeping Disorders:
Drinking this product is linked to lowering rates of depression and improving cognitive health by the improved HRV measures. Due to the accumulation of GABA, it helps improve sleep and reduces high blood pressure. Tea also helps against anxiety, insomnia, and gastrointestinal distress. One study suggests that drinking of oolong tea daily for 30 days might help people with type 2 diabetes reduce blood sugar levels.Teeth and Bones:
It contains polyphenols which may help increase bone mass and bone strength. When consumed before and after meals, it keeps teeth and mouth healthy and clean.Negative Effects of Oolong Tea:
Pregnant women can consume small amounts of tea, but excessive intake is hazardous due to the increased likelihood of miscarriage, heightened risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and various adverse effects. These may include caffeine withdrawal symptoms in newborns and lower birth weight.Oolong tea is available in USA at CARAWAY Tea and Botanicals https://carawaytea.com/shop-teas/
In Australia available at Planet organic https://planetorganic.com.au/